Is The Affordable Care Act Pushing Carriers Into The Software Business?
A post from Doug Devlin, CEO of Zuman, originally posted on LinkedIn, November 25, 2014. When insurance giant, Aetna, acquired benefits administration software company,bswift this month, many within the benefits industry took notice. The move is more than an acquisition; it’s a continuing trend for carriers to control information at its source, and no wonder as […]
The ACA in 2015 and the Need for Better Data
The Affordable Care Act has caused a wave of changes in how consumers can access health insurance, as well as requirements for employers.
What May Change as a Result of the Supreme Court’s ACA Ruling
The June 25 ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court to uphold universal health care for all Americans will have a tremendous impact on human resources departments.
Open Enrollment 101: Do’s and Don’ts
Before an open enrollment period begins, there are steps an HR department should take to prepare.
Considerations for Evolving Benefits Administration
Benefits administration is a challenge for many organizations because of the complex laws that vary by state as well as the need to offer more competitive benefits as an employee retention strategy.
Going Beyond Perks to Help Employees Love Their Jobs

Now that the recession is over and employees have more job mobility, they are pressuring employers to offer more competitive benefits.
Preparing for 2016: Affordable Care Act Compliance

Human resources and finance department staff begin preparing their IRS forms to comply with the Affordable Care Act before next year.
Preparing for 2016: Benefits

Start prepping your benefits packages for the new year.